

In accordance with the DMCA, Old Dominion has a listed agent on file with the US Copyright Office. The University follows the procedures outlined on this page when responding to DMCA notices.

bet8体育娱乐入口 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 程序

In order to reduce contributory and vicarious liability for bet8体育娱乐入口 information service providers, 大学有一个中心, DMCA通知的指定代理邮件别名: dmcanotices@maruyama-ps.com. 通过此电子邮件别名通知几个关键人物. The agent of record is notified as well as the University Information Systems Security Officer. 通过使用电子邮件别名, the University can provide a more timely response in order to handle claims of copyright infringement as established by the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). DMCA notices are processed by the Office of Computing and Communications 服务s.

The DMCA requires that service providers identify its DMCA agent on its website. Since bet8体育娱乐入口's online system comprises several Internet domains and several websites, the University is currently identifying its DMCA agent at its root web server, uxg3.maruyama-ps.com.

If a University employee or student receives a notice or allegation of copyright infringement, h/she is to send the notice to the University's designated DMCA agent by using the email alias dmcanotices@maruyama-ps.com. 举报侵权索赔, the DMCA requires that a claim of copyright infringement sent to our DMCA agent provide certain information. Please contact our DMCA agent through the email alias for any notices and for additional details.

The University ISSO will promptly acknowledge receipt of each infringement claim. 在收到可接受的完整侵权索赔后, the DMCA requires that the DMCA agent direct the prompt removal of the material or removal of all local or wide-area network access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing.

With respect to students: The University works notices through the 学生行为和学术诚信办公室. DMCA notices fall under Section K of the Code of 学生的行为, as listed under Student Disciplinary Policies and 程序.

With respect to 教师/Staff and other third parties who have access to the University network: The University, 作为国家机构, has an established Acceptable Usage Policy and various administrative processes exist to address a variety of offenses. A DMCA violation would be handled in accordance with any other AUP violation. The imposition of sanctions will occur in accordance with applicable University disciplinary and sanction procedures.


bet8体育娱乐入口 currently implements a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) resolution process. Identified copyright violators are sent a series of notifications to address the possible abuse of ODU network privileges.

步骤1: First-time offenders receive a notice by email to cease and desist all illegal network sharing and infringement of protected material. They have 3 days (72 hours) from the time of this first notice to stop all illegal downloading or sharing of electronic media content. Students should delete the infringing content and disable all P2P/Bit Torrent software used to download or share it.

步骤2: Any DMCA violation after the 3-day grace period will result in a second notification and could lead to the suspension of University wireless internet services. In order to avoid internet service interruption after the second notification, students must contact the ITS Help Desk or reply to the notification email within 48 hours affirming that the illegally downloaded content and/or illegal sharing software application(s) have been completely removed from the device. ITS may also suspend wireless internet service at any time after the second notice if it determines that the illegal network sharing is a nuisance to the IT environment. 如果服务中断, restoration of wireless internet service may not be immediate and may not be performed during the weekends.

步骤3: 违反版权法的学生 再一次。,经过两次通知后,将收到一次 第三个也是最后一个 notice and will be referred to the 学生行为和学术诚信办公室 for additional action. Wireless services will be suspended immediately after the third offense pending review and resolution by the 学生行为和学术诚信办公室.


Agent Designated to Receive Notification of Claimed Copyright Infringement (DMCA Agent): Allen T. 总法律顾问威尔逊
Full Address of Designated Agent to which Notification should be sent: 2018 Koch Hall, 诺福克, VA 23529
指定代理人电邮地址:请使用 dmcanotices@maruyama-ps.com. Mr. 威尔逊和其他人通过这个邮件别名接收电子邮件.
