
Real World Training, Real World Experience

就业增长 2021-2031
全国新增就业岗位 2021-2031

ODU律师助理课程是由执业律师和法官设计并专门教授的. 在短短四个月内, 学生将获得工作场所最需要的知识和技能,以及律师助理日常使用的技能. Your career pathway starts with learning legal processes, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析. 除了, students will explore substantive topics of 法律, 比如侵权行为法, Contract Law and Civil Procedures, 使用在线法律研究,个人订阅LexisNexis和West法律.


Blind justice statue with paralegal

Would you like to speak to an advisor? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!




Click on your date choice below to register:

6 p.m.2024年7月23日,星期二 -立即注册!
6 p.m.2024年8月7日星期三 -立即注册!
6 p.m.2024年8月21日,星期三 -立即注册!
6 p.m., Wednesday, September 04, 2024 -立即注册!


为什么 Choose the ODU Paralegal Program?

You will learn legal processes, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析, as well as substantive topics of 法律, 比如侵权行为法, Contract Law and Civil Procedures. 我们的学生还学习LexisNexis和West法律这两大法律研究机构.

Our instructors are all practicing attorneys or judges, which means not only do they hold advanced degrees, but they have real world 经验 and show you how to put 理论 成 实践.

Our students receive instruction on preparing their resume, fine tuning job search methods and developing interview skills. 此外, 项目毕业生可以要求将他们的简历发布在ODU律师助理研究生网站上, 和诺福克地区的律师事务所将在项目完成后通知新证书持有人的可用性.

You will learn legal processes, 法院结构, 面试, 调查, 文档准备, 文件维护, 对应, 研究, 写作和分析, as well as substantive topics of 法律, 比如侵权行为法, Contract Law and Civil Procedures. 我们的学生还学习LexisNexis和West法律这两大法律研究机构.

Our instructors are all practicing attorneys or judges, which means not only do they hold advanced degrees, but they have real world 经验 and show you how to put 理论 成 实践.

Our students receive instruction on preparing their resume, fine tuning job search methods and developing interview skills. 此外, 项目毕业生可以要求将他们的简历发布在ODU律师助理研究生网站上, 和诺福克地区的律师事务所将在项目完成后通知新证书持有人的可用性.


我们的律师助理证书课程由一群受人尊敬的法官教授, 因此,你将直接从那些已经达到法律职业顶峰的人那里得到深入的法律指导. 我们的课程提供真实世界的律师助理指导,你将在你的职业生涯中每天使用的主题. Just a few of the topics covered include: 

  • Introduction to the 法律 Field: 学生将了解到存在什么样的工作机会以及律师助理可以执行什么样的任务.
  • 法律术语: 通过提出一个实际的法律问题,并在整个法律程序中遵循它, students are introduced to the most relevant legal terms. 提交的案件通过民事和刑事法庭程序进行跟踪.
  • 面试的客户: 将介绍和讨论进行客户访谈的具体技术.
  • 律师事务所调查: 跳过跟踪, formal and informal witness statements, 介绍了公共文件的获取和其他调查事项.
  • 恳求的准备: Students will study pleadings and will prepare a Summons and Complaint.
  • 法律研究技能:通过动手操作, 互动式培训设备, 学生将学习如何正确利用图书馆:如何定位主要权威, 如何使用二手资料, how to update 研究 sources, 如何使用Shepard’s来验证权威,以及如何利用特定的法律材料. 

Which program format is best for you, on-campus or online? While the skill-sets you will learn are identical, you will need to determine which delivery method is best for you. 考虑以下几点:


  • In person instruction from judges and attorneys
  • Two evenings per week for four months
  • Extensive online study support
  • Successful graduates receive the bet8体育娱乐入口 律师助理证书
  • Good for students who prefer a more structured environment


  • Go-at-your-own-pace format and enroll at anytime
  • Study online when it is convenient for you
  • Every student is assigned her or his own attorney/judge instructor
  • Students are provided with the instructor's email and phone number
  • Successful graduates receive the bet8体育娱乐入口 律师助理证书
  • Best for students who are able to be disciplined and focused

Whichever format you decide is best for you, be assured that you will develop the same skills and knowledge. Those who successfully complete the program will be awarded the bet8体育娱乐入口 律师助理证书.


律师助理职业仍然是全国发展最快的职业之一. The following is an excerpt from the U.S. 劳工统计局 on the employment outlook in the paralegal profession:

“从2019年到2029年,律师助理和法律助理的就业预计将增长10%, much faster than the average for all occupations.

由于律师事务所试图提高法律服务的效率,降低他们的成本, they are expected to hire more paralegals and legal assistants. 在这些情况下, 律师助理和法律助理可以在公司中扮演“混合”角色, 不仅履行传统的律师助理职责,而且还承担以前分配给法律秘书或其他法律支持人员的一些任务.

由于客户要求更便宜的法律服务,律师事务所也在试图降低账单成本. 由于他们对客户的收费较低,律师助理可以是一个成本较低的选择 律师, performing a wide variety of tasks once done by entry-level 律师. 这将导致对律师助理和法律助理的需求增加.

尽管律师事务所仍将是律师助理的最大雇主, 许多大公司正在增加内部法律部门以削减成本. 对很多公司来说, 聘请外部法律顾问费用高昂,因此在公司内部设立法律部门更为经济. 这将导致各种环境下对法律工作者的需求增加, such as finance and insurance firms, 咨询公司, 医疗保健提供者.

Due to the rise of electronic discovery, 受过正规训练,有很强的计算机和数据库管理技能的律师助理应该有最好的工作前景."

Source: 劳工统计局, U.S. 劳工部,职业前景手册,律师助理和法律助理,网址:http://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/paralegals-and-legal-assistants.htm (visited February 18, 2021).


To prepare for a career as a paralegal, an individual may choose to attend a four-year bachelor's degree program, a two-year associate's degree program or a paralegal certificate program. 你可能会惊讶地发现,律师助理证书课程的毕业生比其他形式的律师助理教育的毕业生的薪酬要高得多. 为什么? 因为证书课程的优势在于将整个教育经验集中在律师助理技能上. 证书课程以可承受的成本提供最高质量的律师助理教育.

当然, earnings of paralegals vary greatly, 取决于教育, 培训, 经验, the type and size of employer and the geographic location of the job. 美国劳工统计局(劳工统计局)目前公布的平均年薪为51美元,740 for paralegals and legal assistants, higher than the annual wage for all workers.


In today’s ultra-competitive labor market, you need skills that will help you stand out amongst the crowd. 用ODU的方便, 自学法律课程, you can advance your legal career in only a matter of months.  ODU的律师助理专业证书为毕业生提供了专注于他们热衷的高需求法律领域的机会, 例如破产法, 老法, 医疗保健法, 移民法及其他!

  • 按照自己的节奏完成在线课程,无需前往校园.
  • Learn from a distinguished faculty of legal professionals.
  • Earn a sought-after credential backed by a major 研究 university.
  • 方便的注册发生在开放注册的基础上-不需要申请.
  • 我们建议参加这个自定进度课程的人拥有律师助理研究学位, have completed their 律师助理证书, or have at least four years of 经验 as a paralegal.


Choose the Online Format Best for You



June 11, 2024 to September 12, 2024


  • 6 - 8:30 p.m.
  • 星期二 & 周四




$5,670 包括书本在内的学费

$4,995 没有书本的学费 (books are approximately $500 purchased on your own)


Option #2: 在网上自学 Classes




按照你自己的节奏. Students have 6 months to complete the program.


在线自学. Students are assigned a personal mentor to help guide them.


$7,670 包括书本在内的学费

$6,995 不含书本的学费(书本大约是你自己购买的500美元)





要想退出律师助理课程,你必须发一份书面申请到 cepd@maruyama-ps.com (7) days prior the start date of the course. Failure to attend a course does not constitute withdrawal. Course registration fees, less a $100.00 processing fee will be refunded back to your original form of payment. There are no refunds once the class has begun. Late withdrawals of six (6) days or less before the class begins, will result in the student being charged the $100.00美元的处理费,以及书籍和/或其他课程材料的费用.