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托福考试 & 说考试


学生应联系他们的gpd办理注册手续. Once we receive the list of students via email from the department GPDs, students then need to contact the 英语语言中心 by the given deadline to sign up for a time slot. Students should be prepared to take these tests remotely/online until further notice. 程序和日期可能会有变化. 请致电ELC联络 ELC@maruyama-ps.com 或757-683-4424查询更多信息.

It is possible for students to satisfy English proficiency through an at-home testing alternative. 请参阅 托福网考特别家庭版雅思指示器 看看这些选择是否适合你.


The institutional 托福考试 (ITP) test is administered in January, April, August, 和 December. Students who take the institutional 托福考试 test may use the score to demonstrate English proficiency for the purpose of admission into an ODU academic program.


  • 数字/远程托福ITP
  • 即将到来的考试日期:
    • 8月19日星期一上午11点
  • 耗资65美元


ODU机构托福成绩仅对ODU入学有效. The ELC will submit your scores directly to 国际招生 after administration of the test. You may also request unofficial scores via email from the ELC (ELC@maruyama-ps.com).


The SPEAK test is administered on a rolling basis throughout the fall, spring, 和 summer.

Only graduate students who are being considered for a teaching assistantship for the upcoming fall or spring semester can be tested. The testing deadline will be the Monday of the week in which the RESEARCH生 教学 Assistant Institue (GTAI) is being offered. SPEAK 夺回演讲s are offered the Wednesday before the GTAI begins.

Students are only permitted to attempt the SPEAK test once per semester (or with department permission).


  • 什么是口语考试? 口语测试, 由ODU英语语言中心管理, is used to assess the speaking ability of prospective graduate teaching assistants (TAs) who speak a native language other than English. These students can satisfy the English-speaking proficiency requirement for TAs by passing the SPEAK Test or scoring a 26 or higher on the speaking portion of the 托福考试 iBT or by scoring an 8.雅思口语部分0分或更高. 一旦达到口语水平要求, these graduate students can teach in the classroom as TAs upon completing the next GTAI. Prospective TAs who speak English as their native language do not need to fulfill this requirement. 口语测试 is offered in January, April, July, August, 和 November.
  • 测试模式是什么? 由于进入校园受限和继续保持社交距离, 我们将通过Zoom远程和现场进行修改后的SPEAK测试. You will need a reliable internet connection 和 an electronic device like a laptop/PC, 平板电脑, 或者能够通过Zoom进行视频通话的手机. 所有会议都将被记录.
  • 考试的形式/内容是什么? In this modified SPEAK Test, you will participate in one live interview. 在测试开始的时候, we will verify your identity 和 ask a few basic warm up questions before we move into the scored portion of the test. 对于计分问题, you will be asked to respond to general questions about common academic/classroom situations 和 scenarios, 关于你RESEARCH领域的一般性问题, 以及一些日常情况. 每个学生将持续大约15分钟. 点击这里进行练习测试 幻灯片

  • 考试如何评分或评估? The SPEAK test raters will assess your answers holistically with one main question in mind: Will typical ODU undergraduate students be able to underst和 you if you are presenting a lesson in front of their class? 因此, 我们正在评估整体的流利度(语速), 暂停, 犹豫), 语调和单词重音, 词汇的范围. 像母语的语法或发音并不是我们的目标. 而不是, the goal is to be intelligible (did the listener underst和 your intended message) 和 comprehensible (did it require a lot of listener effort).


  1. gpd或PROGRAMS经理必须发送电子邮件到 ELC@maruyama-ps.com with a list of names, UINs, 和 ODU email addresses, of students they want to take the SPEAK. These students must be eligible to be TAs upon completing any necessary processes. 在邮件中, please include the name 和 information of the person in your department who should receive the SPEAK scores.
  2. Students will need to sign up for a time slot using a link provided via email.


自2021年1月起,ELC将恢复 每个学生100美元的学费 办理英语口语考试.

  • This fee will be paid via Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) to the ELC.
  • 所有的SPEAK测试完成后, the ELC will send an IDT request to the contact person for the department or college contact who sent the list of SPEAK test nominees.
  • 该费用只对参加了口语考试的学生收取.
  • SPEAK重拍演讲不收取任何费用.


The ELC will send your SPEAK scores to the RESEARCH生院 和 the department contact listed in the email within two weeks of the test date. It is the department's responsibility to notify you of your SPEAK scores 和 any subsequent procedures.


满分60分,你得45分才有资格参加 夺回演讲.

  • Please note that the 夺回演讲 is different from the SPEAK Test.
  • Although an ELC representative may participate in scoring the 夺回演讲, 重考报告由RESEARCH生院管理. 下一个重拍演示是 星期三,8月21日下午1点.请联络小姐巴伯(mbarber@maruyama-ps.com) at the RESEARCH生院 for additional information on the 夺回演讲.
  • 一旦你在口语考试中达到45分, you are always eligible to participate in any future 夺回演讲 session until it is successfully passed. This includes participating in multiple 夺回演讲 sessions over time regardless of whether you scored below 45 on subsequent SPEAK Tests. If you have already passed the SPEAK Test with a 50 or passed the 夺回演讲 are not eligible to take the SPEAK additional times.
  • A score of 40 out of 60 indicates that you did not pass the SPEAK test 和 may retake the test at a later date.



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills 和 knowledge needed for your future career. 发现我们的体验式学习机会.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, 和 meet current students.


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