Cox Communications Small Business 领导 Academy

Cheerful businesswoman giving presentation to group

Would you like to learn how to market your business, 增加收入, and enhance your management skills? Learn how in this eight-week program designed for women, LGBTQA, 禁用, 少数民族, 还有老兵拥有的企业!


  • Develop skills critical for growth

  • Be introduced to additional resources that can create new opportunities

  • Interact with Cox and Strome Business Subject Matter Experts

  • 获得证书

Program launch date: June 4, 2024

First and last sessions are in hybrid format, but in-person attendance strongly recommended. 所有会议从5点开始.30 pm-9.30 pm.


June 4
教师:教授. 詹妮弗Vaziralli

Introduction and welcome from Dean Jeff Tanner and our program sponsors, Cox Communications.


  1. 提高利率, discussing how to build the business by increasing volumes, 优化价格, expanding geographic and ancillary markets
  2. CUTTING COSTS by negotiating with suppliers, 减少输入, 管理员工, 提高整体效率
  3. PROMOTING the business with emphasis on building market share through guerilla marketing, 客户服务, 自动客户联系, 社交媒体, etc.
  4. 执行, emphasizing the importance to"get er done,领导人员, holding staff accountable and the tools to simplify and improve execution.
  5. 创新, discussing the necessity for the business i) to keep abreast of industry developments; ii) to identify and implement enhanced processes, 新技术/产品, 最佳实践, and iii) to transform the business to capitalize on innovations.

教练:教授. 詹妮弗Vaziralli


  1. 提高利率, discussing how to build the business by increasing volumes, 优化价格, expanding geographic and ancillary markets
  2. CUTTING COSTS by negotiating with suppliers, 减少输入, 管理员工, 提高整体效率
  3. PROMOTING the business with emphasis on building market share through guerilla marketing, 客户服务, 自动客户联系, 社交媒体, etc.
  4. 执行, emphasizing the importance to"get er done,领导人员, holding staff accountable and the tools to simplify and improve execution.
  5. 创新, discussing the necessity for the business i) to keep abreast of industry developments; ii) to identify and implement enhanced processes, 新技术/产品, 最佳实践, and iii) to transform the business to capitalize on innovations.

Fundamentals of Business Strategy

教练:教授. 詹妮弗Vaziralli

《网站登录》探讨了成本领先和差异化战略, 评估每个策略和优点,以及在竞争环境中优化业务发展的潜力.

June 18
教练:教授. 米歇尔•卡彭特

This module will provide a dialogue on the marketing challenges that small businesses face. 它将提供练习,以帮助确定目标受众和市场定位的业务.


June 18
教练:教授. 米歇尔•卡彭特

营销计划模块将讨论为企业制定全面的营销计划. 它将整合到目前为止讨论的主题,以帮助制定企业的整体营销策略.

教练:教授. 米歇尔•卡彭特

社交媒体为小企业提供了一种经济有效的方式来接触新客户并与现有客户互动. This module will teach the power and intricacies of marketing through 社交媒体 channels, demonstrate ways to effectively use 社交媒体 tools to engage consumers, and achieve concrete business goals.


教练:教授. 米歇尔•卡彭特

There is no one customer experience model that fits all businesses. 作为一个小公司, 有意识地设计客户体验以适应企业的市场和目标是很重要的. This module will teach principles from behavioral design, 品牌标识, 并帮助小型企业审视和改进其客户体验设计.

July 2
教练:博士. 安德鲁·班尼特

In the Negotiations module you will learn about your individual negotiation style, understand the role of emotions in negotiation, and gain hands-on experience building your negotiation skills.

July 9
教练:博士. 瑞安科林格

情商是识别、理解和管理情绪信息的能力. 在这个研讨会上, we learn about the importance of being an emotionally intelligent leader, how this skill impacts work outcomes, and how individuals can invest in developing and leveraging their emotional intelligence.

Getting the Most from Employees

July 9
教练:博士. 瑞安科林格

Why do great employees fail to reach their full potential? Why do great leaders -with great ideas -fail to inspire action from others? 在本次会议上, 我们研究了人类动机的组成部分,以揭示为什么努力激励我们的员工失败的原因. 我们讨论了指导原则和具体的可操作步骤,以创造一个更有动力的员工队伍.

July 16
教练:教授. 塞缪尔·约翰逊

Many often say accounting is the language of business. In this course, you will learn what that means. The focus will be to introduce you to the role of accounting. Attendees will learn the importance of accounting in business decision-making.

资金来源 & 他们的优点/缺点

July 16
教练:教授. 塞缪尔·约翰逊

Now that you have a business idea the next step is to make it happen. 要做到这一点,你需要钱. 本课程旨在向您介绍资金的来源以及使用这些资金流的利弊. When completed, the course will arm you with how to decide on what capital approach suits you.


July 16
教练:教授. 塞缪尔·约翰逊

How did I do and what do I need to do? These questions often accompany decision-making, Through financial statement analysis, you will be able t address these questions in order to plan for now as well as the future.

教练:教授. 塞缪尔·约翰逊

现金为王!!! Indeed, while sales may be good the real tool for a business is cash flows. Attendees will be exposed to how to plan for inflows and outflows in the present and future. Several tools will be introduced that will allow you to project current and future cash needs.


教练:教授. 塞缪尔·约翰逊

Business is about 管理 taxes. 与会者将被介绍税收结构,并了解决策必须如何包括预测, 管理, 纳税义务.

教练:教授. 詹妮弗Vaziralli

整合:商业计划评审将是参与者业务的互动讨论, 让每个人总结他们如何实施学院的课程,然后由班级成员进行回顾和提出建议.

毕业庆典 & 仪式

教练: Cox Executive and Commencement Speaker TBD



安德鲁一. 贝内特是bet8体育娱乐入口管理学助理教授,主要研究谈判和员工福利. He has taught courses in negotiation, 沟通, and management skills for eight years, has been several multiple grants to create negotiation training materials, and has led negotiations training for multiple Global 2000 companies.

His work has been profiled in outlets like the Harvard Business Review, the BBC, 还有弗吉尼亚领航员.

米歇尔•卡彭特 serves as a Senior Lecturer of Marketing in the 斯特罗姆商学院. She teaches students the value of marketing, 社交媒体, 公共关系, and actively looks for opportunities to mentor students through special projects and experiential learning. 米歇尔担任ODU美国营销协会(AMA)俱乐部的分会顾问,并担任首席部门顾问.

她在课堂上对学生的奉献得到了超过15年的行业指导,在英联邦各地指导企业和组织. 她拿的是M。.A. 在路易斯安那大学门罗分校获得传播学学士学位,在俄勒冈州立大学获得市场营销专业工商管理硕士学位.


资深专业人士,具有丰富的商业和专业经验,曾担任Cherry Bekaert LLP里士满办事处合伙人, an independent registered public accounting firm, 到4月30日, 2021.


Dr. 瑞安科林格是一名管理学副教授,也是汉普顿路年度劳动力调查和研讨会的负责人. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 在过去的九年里,他一直在bet8体育娱乐入口斯特罗姆商学院学习.

Dr. 克林格的学术领域专注于围绕员工个性设计工作场所系统, 领导风格, 团队动力. His consulting workshops center on training and developing employee emotional intelligence, 领导, 动机, 以及团队建设技能.

一个热爱一切事业的人, 在过去的十年里,Jennifer在纽约市的一些高增长技术和软件即服务公司担任高级管理人员, Chicago, 里士满, 和华盛顿特区.C. As a Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Operating Officer at five different startups, 她推动了从教育科技和金融科技到营销和广告服务以及医疗保健等一系列行业的战略. 作为一名强大的增长高管,詹妮弗的表现赢得了行业和地区的认可,包括带领她的公司连续三年荣登《网站登录》增长最快公司榜单的榜首. 她交付结果的能力,以及她在产品战略方面的跨职能专业知识, sales, 财务管理, 她的市场营销也为她赢得了当之无愧的声誉,成为创业界的得力助手.

詹妮弗致力于激励企业家和指导下一代创业领袖. 她现在是一名创业和小企业顾问,同时也在bet8体育娱乐入口教授管理学. Jennifer serves on the board for Women in Venture, 一个致力于通过增加妇女主导的投资和风险来缩小妇女资金差距的组织, and she hopes to continue advocating for underrepresented founders. She also serves as a board member for 757 Angels, which is one of the largest Angel Investment groups in the United States. 詹妮弗在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得两个学士学位,并在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得MBA学位.


安德鲁一. 贝内特是bet8体育娱乐入口管理学助理教授,主要研究谈判和员工福利. He has taught courses in negotiation, 沟通, and management skills for eight years, has been several multiple grants to create negotiation training materials, and has led negotiations training for multiple Global 2000 companies.

His work has been profiled in outlets like the Harvard Business Review, the BBC, 还有弗吉尼亚领航员.

米歇尔•卡彭特 serves as a Senior Lecturer of Marketing in the 斯特罗姆商学院. She teaches students the value of marketing, 社交媒体, 公共关系, and actively looks for opportunities to mentor students through special projects and experiential learning. 米歇尔担任ODU美国营销协会(AMA)俱乐部的分会顾问,并担任首席部门顾问.

她在课堂上对学生的奉献得到了超过15年的行业指导,在英联邦各地指导企业和组织. 她拿的是M。.A. 在路易斯安那大学门罗分校获得传播学学士学位,在俄勒冈州立大学获得市场营销专业工商管理硕士学位.


资深专业人士,具有丰富的商业和专业经验,曾担任Cherry Bekaert LLP里士满办事处合伙人, an independent registered public accounting firm, 到4月30日, 2021.


Dr. 瑞安科林格是一名管理学副教授,也是汉普顿路年度劳动力调查和研讨会的负责人. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 在过去的九年里,他一直在bet8体育娱乐入口斯特罗姆商学院学习.

Dr. 克林格的学术领域专注于围绕员工个性设计工作场所系统, 领导风格, 团队动力. His consulting workshops center on training and developing employee emotional intelligence, 领导, 动机, 以及团队建设技能.

一个热爱一切事业的人, 在过去的十年里,Jennifer在纽约市的一些高增长技术和软件即服务公司担任高级管理人员, Chicago, 里士满, 和华盛顿特区.C. As a Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Operating Officer at five different startups, 她推动了从教育科技和金融科技到营销和广告服务以及医疗保健等一系列行业的战略. 作为一名强大的增长高管,詹妮弗的表现赢得了行业和地区的认可,包括带领她的公司连续三年荣登《网站登录》增长最快公司榜单的榜首. 她交付结果的能力,以及她在产品战略方面的跨职能专业知识, sales, 财务管理, 她的市场营销也为她赢得了当之无愧的声誉,成为创业界的得力助手.

詹妮弗致力于激励企业家和指导下一代创业领袖. 她现在是一名创业和小企业顾问,同时也在bet8体育娱乐入口教授管理学. Jennifer serves on the board for Women in Venture, 一个致力于通过增加妇女主导的投资和风险来缩小妇女资金差距的组织, and she hopes to continue advocating for underrepresented founders. She also serves as a board member for 757 Angels, which is one of the largest Angel Investment groups in the United States. 詹妮弗在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得两个学士学位,并在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得MBA学位.




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