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ODU警报是bet8体育娱乐入口的紧急警报和通知系统,能够向ODU教员传递消息, 员工和学生的电子邮件地址, 固定电话和手机. 这些信息包括校园紧急情况以及校园和恶劣天气和关闭,因为它们与整个校园社区有关.

Alerts will be sent by either University Relations or Old Dominion Police, depending on the nature of the situation. ODU警报 is a free service and will not charge you a subscriber's fee from ODU. Standard text message and phone rates from your phone provider will apply.


ODU警报 allows you to list up to six contact methods. 在紧急情况下, the ODU警报 system will begin cycling through your points of contact to deliver the alert, 从第一个可用的开始. 当你收到留言时, it is very important that you confirm receipt when prompted. 如果没有收到确认,ODU警报将继续通过您的联络点循环.

It will be used only for emergency notifications (see FAQ: 我怎么知道这是ODU警报?) which can be sent via text message (SMS), phone numbers, or non-ODU电子邮件. You do not need to provide your ODU e-mail address, as the university will continue to broadcast alert messages to Old Dominion e-mail addresses.



There is a required near term action on the part of the University community, 包括但不限于:

  • 躲避暴风雨的;
  • 取消类;
  • 校园内的危险情况,可能会影响到当地或整体的人身安全, 比如化学品泄漏, 炸弹威胁, 或者危险的人.


当Old Dominion警察局或高级管理部门确定某些人的存在对大学社区构成持续威胁时,或者当通知的及时性可能有助于找到犯罪者时,ODU警报也将被使用.


Sign Up


To best reach the University student community during incidents and emergencies, all ODU的学生 are automatically registered with their provided primary cell phone in the ODU警报 system. 学生可以使用“我的信息”面板上的“立即更新我”按钮来管理他们的帐户并添加额外的号码以接收通知 myODU门户.

大学教职员工 是否可以选择通过 http://getrave.com/login/odu. Using your MIDAS ID and password to login, you can register the contact methods that are best for you. Users may select up to six different methods of contact from ODU警报 (see FAQ: Can I list someone else as a point of contact?).

Each individual subscriber MUST update their contact information. You are responsible for making all updates or changes to your contact information. ODU does not update your information from other sources.



希望退出ODU提醒(短信文本和语音通知)的ODU学生可以通过“我的信息”面板上的“立即更新我”按钮进行选择 myODU Portal.

ODU教职员工可以取消订阅ODU警报短信和语音通知 发送“停止”或“取消订阅”的短信 (不包括签名或标点符号)到最后收到的ODU警报消息(ODU警报可以来自以下任何号码:226787, 67283, 77295, 78015, 81437).

You may also follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the "Manage your Account" link.
  2. Log into the system with your MIDAS credentials.
  3. Click the DELETE (red) button beside your cell phone number.
  4. 按照确认提示操作.

Note: ODU的学生, faculty, 工作人员将继续收到ODU警报电子邮件,直到您的电子邮件帐户停用(例如.e., when you officially leave the University).



Your subscription may be deactivated if you:

  • 离开大学
  • Your ODU affiliation changes and you are no longer a registered student
  • 我们已经确定(经过正当程序)您故意滥用或损害了系统

You will not be notified when your subscription is deactivated because of a change in affiliation.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't want to sign up for ODU警报?

为了在事件和紧急情况下更有效地与大学学生社区沟通, all student primary cell phone numbers are automatically enrolled in the ODU警报 system. In the interest of facilitating safety communications during incidents and emergencies, 强烈建议学生在ODU警报系统中保留他们的主要手机号码. 希望退出ODU提醒(短信文本和语音通知)的ODU学生必须通过“我的信息”面板上的“立即更新我”按钮进行选择 myODU门户. You will continue to receive email notifications at your ODU email address; you will have access to the Old Dominion weather/emergency telephone hotline; and you will be able to find the emergency information at the Old Dominion homepage.

给ODU的教职员工, 如果你决定不报名, you will not receive notification via your preferred contact methods. You will continue to receive email notifications at your ODU email address; you will have access to the Old Dominion weather/emergency telephone hotline; and you will be able to find the emergency information at the Old Dominion homepage.


If it is an ODU Alert the sender will have the following information:

Method 发送者信息



电话 757-683-3001
E-mail odualert@maruyama-ps.com

取决于紧急情况的类型, ODU可能会或可能不会根据您帐户中显示的偏好排序发送消息.

How will I know the difference between a TEST message and a real alert?

The University plans to test the system on a regular basis, at least once per semester. The campus community will be notified in advance of such tests.

如果消息是对系统的测试,它将以“test: ODU警报”为主题发送." Any message that does not include the word "test" is an urgent message. Urgent messages will carry subject lines including, 但不限于, 安全及时警告," "Emergency Notification" or "Weather Alert."

Can I list my parents or spouse as a point of contact?

ODU警报 is intended to communicate urgent information to students, faculty, and staff on campus during an emergency. For that reason, it is very important that you carefully consider your points of contact.

Remember that the system cycles through your points of contact until receipt is confirmed. If, 例如, 你列出你的第一个联系人是你的手机,第二和第三个是你父母的电话号码, 如果您在紧急情况下无法使用手机,则可能无法及时收到消息或根本无法收到消息. If you still wish to include parents, spouses, or others among your points of contact, we strongly suggest listing yourself as the first several points of contact.

How is my contact information updated for ODU警报?

ODU学生订阅者必须通过“我的信息表格”更新他们的联系信息 myODU门户.

ODU faculty and staff subscribers must update their contact information via the myODU门户. You are responsible for making all updates or changes to your contact information. ODU does not update your information automatically.

Does ODU correct my personal contact information when it is wrong?

Old Dominion will not verify the accuracy of the data you enter. If the contact data that you enter is not accurate, it will remain inaccurate until it is changed by you. 在个人输入错误电话号码的情况下,实际电话号码持有人与ODU联系并可以验证他们是该号码的持有人, 该号码将被删除,并通过您的ODU电子邮件地址通知您已删除不正确的信息.

Does ODU use ODU警报 contact data to update other university systems?

ODU学生, the primary cell phone number can be updated using the "My 信息 Form" in the myODU门户. This will update that primary number in Banner as well as in ODU警报, but no other University systems will be updated. 通过“我的信息表格”为ODU警报提供的其他联系电话仅用于ODU警报系统.

给ODU的教职员工, the contact information you provide will not be used to update any other ODU systems.

Will my contact information be shared with anyone?

您输入的联系数据将提供给第三方,以便在发生紧急情况时通知您. No identifying information (such as your name, etc.) will be provided to the third party vendor.

第三方供应商同意,除了通过ODU警报通知您之外,他们无权将您的联系信息用于任何目的. They do not have rights to sell, disclose or trade your contact information. 法律规定时(e).g.. in compliance with a subpoena or court order) your contact information may be disclosed.

只有Old Dominion雇用的必须使用此信息来管理ODU警报的个人才能访问您的联系信息


If, 出于某种原因, 决定将ODU警报自动通知系统用于除紧急情况以外的任何情况, 在您的联系信息被用于通过ODU警报传播非紧急信息之前,您将收到通知并有机会订阅其他服务.


您输入的联系数据将提供给第三方,以便在发生紧急情况时通知您. No identifying information (such as your name, etc.) will be provided to the third party vendor. 第三方供应商同意,除了通过ODU警报通知您之外,他们无权将您的联系信息用于任何目的. They do not have rights to sell, disclose or trade your contact information. 法律规定时(e).g.. in compliance with a subpoena or court order) your contact information may be disclosed. 只有旧道明大学雇佣的个人,他们必须使用这些信息来管理和管理ODU警报,才能访问您的联系信息.



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