

Due to the complexity of the law, students are advised to not make assumptions or rely on information from anyone not directly responsible for administering the policy.

Reduced tuition charges are subsidized by the taxpayers of Virginia. Effective October 1, 2016, eligibility is governed by Section 23-1-500--510 of the 弗吉尼亚法典. The University makes its decisions according to the applicable state law, guidelines specific to that law, 和 within procedures developed to conform with requirements of law. Copies of University procedures 和 the State law are available in the Reserve department of the University Libraries. The state code is also available at the SCHEV网站 和 弗吉尼亚法典 website.

In-State Eligibility


Generally, the residency classification is determined when you apply for admission.

To be eligible for in-state status:

  • Virginia must be your 现在,固定的家 to which you return following temporary absences,  where you intend to stay 和 live indefinitely.
  • 你的 主要目的 in moving to Virginia must have been to establish yourself as a resident of Virginia. Residence or physical presence in Virginia primarily to attend the University does NOT entitle you to in-state tuition rates.
  • Residence must have been continuous for 365 days preceding the first day of classes.
  • Students must apply for in-state tuition rates in order to qualify, 和 application deadlines apply.

应用 for 州内学费

  • In-state tuition is only granted to those who apply for it.
  • All applicants must document eligibility.
  • Students who have not been enrolled for one year or longer, or whose status changes with the University must reapply for in-state tuition status.

Students who fail to apply for in-state privileges will be billed at the out-of-state rate. Students with a pending decision must pay at least the in-state tuition amount by the tuition deadline. Upon decision, rates will be revised appropriately. 参考 University Registrar 欲知详情.



  • ODU Registrar's Office (757) 683-4425
  • Domicile/Residency staff at instate@maruyama-ps.com
  • 你的 military base representative:
    • FCTCL Dam Neck (757) 492-8109
    • Ft. 英国《网站登录》尤斯蒂斯. Monroe, Langley AFB (757) 722-8543
    • NAB Little Creek (757) 363-3885
    • NAS Oceana (757) 491-5109
    • Naval Station Norfolk (757) 440-4015


学费 questions can feel complex 和 overwhelming. 让我们来帮忙.